Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Delta Green Campaign: Our Ladies of Sorrow [Part 2]


The team reconvenes at the breakfast to plan out the day. HORATIO comes in late, smelling of cigarettes and with a half drunk 4Loko in his hand. JETHRO and HORATIO volunteer to canvas the other residents of the Three Sisters, and to see if they can take a look at the sealed apartments of the 4th and 5th floors. WALLADA decides to do some research on the Three Sisters Building while she waits for a response from Kurt Winter. QASIM and Bravie will head to secure the Green Box before QASIM meets with the coroner to take custody of Ryder's corpse. 

HORATIO and JETHRO get to the Three Sisters a little bit before 7 am and decide to make their presence known to the building superintendent Todd Beach. The Agents inform him of their investigation into the death of Frank Ryder and say that they'll need access to the sealed floors. Clearly torn between being intimidated by two officers of the law and his employer, Todd Beach demurs and says he'll have to call the building's owner first and that they should talk to her. HORATIO enthusiastically agrees through gritted teeth as the balding man retreats back into his apartment. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Soundtrack of Our Ladies of Sorrow

Book One, House of Shadows:

Our Ladies of Sorrow Master Post


Our Ladies of Sorrow is a 2009 Call of Cthulhu campaign written by Kevin Ross that I've owned for 12 years but have never even attempted to run, as is the sad tale of most of the RPG material I've accumulated over the years. I remember it getting a great deal of acclaim at the time, noted for standing out among most Call of Cthulhu material for using something quite divergent from the mythos as its main focus; the Ladies of Sorrow first written of by Regency England opium addict Thomas de Quincey and the inspiration of Dario Argento's Suspiria, the first part of his "Three Mothers" trilogy of horror films. It is a decidedly more occult flavor of campaigns. 

Despite the acclaim I recall it receiving, I don't think I've heard of or read anyone's account of having run or played in it. So I decided to change that. Choosing to run this as a Delta Green campaign, one with my own rather idiosyncratic interpretation of the setting, I plan to see if it lives up to the hype. I intend to write up each session as a play report and then offer a critique on each scenario within the book and the experience of running it. 

I also plan to throw in a few interlude scenarios unrelated to, and thus not included in, the Our Ladies of Sorrows book. I plan to give them the same treatment. 

So, with the preamble out of the way, let's start the show.

Book One, House of Shadows: 

Interlude, The Highways of West Texas:

Delta Green Campaign: Our Ladies of Sorrow [Part 1]

 Our Ladies of Sorrow

House of Shadows

It is October 14th, 2009 in San Antonio. An ad-hoc assemblage of Agents wait in a diner whose prices do not match either the service or décor. They are:

  • Agent JETHRO: Colt Buchanan of the Texas Rangers  
  • Agent HORATIO: Special Agent Terrance Delacruz of the FBI
  • Agent WALLADA: Professor Isabella Fernandez 
  • Agent QASIM: Naazim Dugal, DoD Social Worker
  • Inspector Bravie Soto: Compliance Inspector of the National Indian Gaming Commission

They've been assembled here by a gin soaked louse of a federal agent they only know as LAMBERT. One of his many assets, an old man named Frank Ryder, is afraid of something and LAMBERT has put together this cell as a wellness check on a trusted asset who knows where the bodies are buried.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Contents of the Law Office of Darnell Guerra

Here are the (slightly edited) contents of the Law Office of Darnell Guerra, the Green Box Frank Ryder was custodian of for LAMBERT. The items listed have not been thoroughly inspected. 

Monday, August 23, 2021

Arkheologorodok Soundtrack




General Combat 

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Arkheologorodok Special Session Prep


All Debts Will Be Paid Off

Big news, the Neo-Nazbols have dug a secret tunnel into the rear of the Gay Reich. Petra has had a backdoor into their servers and communications for a while now, and apparently they got everything they needed from the dig site to conduct a ritual to summon something terrible to exact revenge. Galdikas has already finished the retrovirus to kill the minions and with Yezhov's intel it can be released into Fran's lab before you get there. That should help even the odds. 

Monday, August 2, 2021

State of the City: Faction Relations

"Our Party has united the peoples, the nation-wide system is a great power!"
Art. V. Menshikov, 1971


  • The Neo-Nazbols
  • The Red Ordo
  • CounterDogma


  • The Sisters of Tleechy Natcha
  • The Fae 
  • Mayami Import Remnants 


  • The Gopniks
  • The Materialists 
  • The Excavators of the Underground Earth
  • The Saburovs


  • Krasnaya Zvezda 
  • The Municipal Government 


  • The Cosmothanatologists 


  • The Gay Nazis

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Arkheologorodok: Session ??? Prep


Good evening Arkheologorodok! This is Lara Kiseleva of Orbita News bring you this weeks news round up! Let's get to it!

Now is the second week of campaigning and it's looking to be a tight race! Polls can't quite agree who is currently in the lead, but all agree it's either Governor Yevseyev's Refurbishment Party or Radinka Menshchikova's Bright Future Party. Both are riding high on recent crime suppression and economic initiatives respectively, more on both later.  

Coming in a close third is Inna Illina's Faith & Works Party, polling high with active Orthodox Christians as well as religious Central Asian workers. Promises for both expansion of city aide services as well as upholding public morality finding support across religious lines. Well, except for the atheists, but no one cares about them anyway.   

Ervin Tsitrusovyye's youth oriented New National Bolshevik Party of Eurasia is showing a better account for itself than expected, managing to very effectively mobilize the youth vote.  Whether or not this will be enough to carry them further into a position of influence isn't yet clear, but those kids are showing some real enthusiasm. It's good to see the youth getting off those phones and doing something for once!

Finally, Ivan Ligachev and the Communist Party are remaining at a very stable 5th place. Unionized skilled workers are proving to be solidly backing their man, a sizeable block that could put Ligachev in position of king maker, or maybe spoiler. 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Arkheologorodok Session 6: Santa Muerte Robs a Convenience Store on Ramon Mercader Day


August 20th marks the biggest festival in Arkheologrodok, Ramon Mercader Day. The streets are alive with celebration as the people don novelty sombreros and eat what passes for street tacos in Central Asia. The main attraction is the parade down Ramon Mercader Prospekt, but the partying goes well into the night. 

Aleksandr's day doesn't get to start with festivities however. Lured into the hotel bar, he's greeted by two heavily tattooed brodyaga of the Bratva, telling him he has a meeting with the Vor to get to. Weighing his options, Aleksandr decides that running now would guarantee the Bratva marking him for death, and so resignedly allows them to usher him into a waiting g-wagon and shuttle him to the Banya.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Arkheologorodok Session 16: North Korean Bio-Punk


When we last left the Archaeology Dorks, they had just emerged from the underground frontier into the polyclinic's domed cavern only too see the building consumed by flams, a large group of shuffling figures silhouetted by the inferno. 

Out of sight from the arsonists, the party decides to observe and listen in before doing anything hasty. They're quickly able to ascertain that nine figures, all but the smoking woman in black robes in undead, and of those three are intelligent and willing participants. Quite a few of the shuffling husks look to be commuters killed in the subway bombings of a few weeks ago, along with a few skeletons, and a teenage girl with slits down her forearms and feral hatred in her eyes is the second in command. She reports to the smoking woman that two of them managed to slide through some cracks before they set fire to the whole place and begs to be allowed to start a hunt. The smoking woman calmly, sweetly speaks to her as a mother would to a daughter, saying that all the evidence of the transaction was destroyed, and the two who escaped will "get what's coming to them in time, like everyone else." 

A small cigarette butt like this one could burn a huge factory!

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Delta Green: The Diary of Augustus Castaigne 1855-1857

 Here's a little tome I cooked up when helping someone brainstorm for items to put in a green box during their run of Impossible Landscapes. I based a lot of this on previously held historical knowledge and information from Brett Kramer's free pdf Notes on the Turner Codex, as published by Sentinel Hill Press. I highly recommend you go check them out. 

You can access the Google Documents version here:

The Diary of Augustus Castaigne 1855-1857

A slim leather bound book with yellowing paper, the diary shows signs of water damage but is, for the most part, legible. Beginning on April 12, 1855, the journal identifies the author as one Augustus Castaigne of Natchez, Mississippi, a southern gentleman, member of the Knights of the Golden Circle, and self-described adventurer. The first few passages consist of Augustus detailing his early life as a scion of a slave holding plantation family, his passionate belief in the “Southern Cause” and “Southern Rights,” in Manifest Destiny, and his own destiny to be an integral part for the furtherance of all three. The description is immensely self aggrandizing, but what concrete facts that can be gleaned from it are that his family was in massive debt to creditors, his first and only marriage ended with the death of his wife Camilla of Yellow Fever in 1844, and that in 1855 he has traveled to San Francisco with his 12 year old daughter Cassandra to meet with the filibuster William Walker with the intention of joining his private military invasion of Nicaragua.  

The entries from May 3, 1855 to April of 1857 detail the travel of himself and roughly 60 other mercenaries to Nicaragua, the subsequent battles, the establishment of Walker’s Republic of Nicaragua, and finally the losing war with the Central American Alliance. Augusts spares no effort in vividly describing his role in the battles and the subsequent administration, much of which to anyone with a History or Military Science (Land) of 40% will find highly unlikely. However, the reader will also note an increasing sort of mania in Augustus’s writing, as well as his notably lurid descriptions of battlefield violence. 

The diary takes a notable turn after the fall of San Juan del Sur on April 17, 1857 to Central American troops. Castaigne elects to flee into the jungle with his daughter. The entries from this point onwards get increasingly fantastical, and a reader with Medicine of 60% or a Psychotherapy of 40% can conclude he is rapidly entering delirium, likely from malaria induced fever. He eventually describes finding an ancient temple complex, with several pages dedicated to his sketches of the temple as well as the strange glyphs he finds hammered onto “plates of a alloy forgotten to men of this darkling era.” Any skill rating of Archaeology, Anthropology, or History above base will note all of these are reminiscent of the ancient Maya, but an Archeaology of 40, Anthropology of 60, or a History of 70 will recognize substantial divergences from the norm of Mayan architecture and that the glyphs match no know form of Mayan writing. An Occult of 70 will instead recognize these glyphs to be similar to that of Muvian High-Naacal as described in the much derided Otto Dostmann’s Remnants of Lost Empires. Agents who have read Rites of the Ancient Maya Revealed (aka the Turner Codex) by Maplethorpe Turner will provide the same information about the glyphs, as well as confirming the temple to be consistent with his descriptions of the worship of Kaiwan,  “The Invisible One”, “The Unspeakable”, “Lord of the Great Sign”, and  “Whisperer of Truth”.

Augusts final entries are dominated by him decrying the folly of the Founding Fathers in abandoning monarchy, saying that the “Golden Empire of America is a throne upon which a king anointed by the Lord of the Great Sign must sit.” He then meticulously details his ambitious plan for conquering Nicaragua from his redoubt, and then from there the entire continent, upon which with his daughter he will “found the purest dynasty the earth has ever seen, one that shall produce history as others produce plays."

Agents reading this diary in full with a Military Science of 60% and sufficiently enough King in Yellow corruption as decided by the keeper will see the utter brilliance of Augustus’s strategy as well as be able to deduce how to get to his “temple redoubt”, all it would need to start are a handful of armed men and the right leader…

The PC (or more likely at this point, NPC) trying to enact this plan get a +20% to all military related rolls (artillery, navigate land, military science, etc.) while operating out of the temple redoubt. GMs can either choose to use this as a scenario hook (someone who read the diary operating as a KiY Colonel Kurtz in the jungles of Central America) or as a poignant conclusion to a King in Yellow focused campaign (like Impossible Landscapes).

The Diary of Augustus Castaigne 1855-1857

By Augusts Castaigne 

In English, study time: 2 weeks. Artillery +2%, Firearms +1%, Military Science (Land) +3%, Occult +4%, Survival 1%, Unnatural +3%, Muvian Hieretical Naacal +1%; SAN loss 1D4+1 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Session 15 Play Report: Weaponized STDs and You


Syphilis Can Be Cured! 1922
Center-left: "Syphilis can be cured quickly at the onset of the disease."
Center-right: "Neglected syphilis can be cured by a long neat treatment"
Center-bottom: "Consequences of untreated syphilis; Insanity, Paralysis, deformation , stillborn children, idiotic children

The party reconvenes after having successfully secured and cured the werebull Dr Peter Jordanson, and proceed to discuss the political implications there in. Governor Yevseyev personally tied himself to Jordanson in order to show he can bring "influential" people to Arkheologorodok, while also using him to appeal to his conservative base and as a symbol of increased medical tourism. With the beginning of the election, and the Cheech's antipathy towards Yevseyev for that little GSS ambush in the sewers, there's much that can be done with Jordanson. 

After much discussion of strategies, goals, and the political parties, the Archaeology Dorks were torn between backing the Saburov aligned Faith & Works Party and the New National Bolshevik Party of Eurasia. Self-interest took prime position over ideology in their calculus, and they ultimately decided to back the New National Bolshevik Party of Eurasia, as they had more connections and influence with the Nazbols and that the whole underground occult crime thing would probably get a lot easier. As for Jordanson, they've decided to hold onto him for now while they observe the progress of the election and learn more about the Refurbishment Party. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Session 15 Prep


Good evening Arkheologorodok! It's time for democracy, as the three weeks of legal campaigning for city wide elections start today! We have a lot more candidates than usual, and it can be pretty confusing to know who to vote for. Well, I'm pleased to say that we here at Orbita News are going to help!

I'm voting for the first time!

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Session 14 Prep


Good evening Arkheologorodok! This is Lara Kiseleva of Orbita News bring you this weeks news round up! Let's get to it!

Crowds flocked to the Central Train station today to greet the lawyer and human rights and anti-corruption activist Felix Stolypin as he returned from his four year exile. Before his departure, Mr. Stolypin was known for several landmark lawsuits against the Refurbishment Party and Governor Yevseyev himself, a track record which had landed him in prison several times for  "breach of trust" and "unethical use of evidence." Though his permit of residency was revoked for divisive sociocidal counterobeyance, Mr. Stolypin cited his reason for leaving as being due to death threats and harassment by the Gubernatorial Security Service. 

Addressing the crowd, Stolypin declared he's returned to observe the upcoming election. Though he's legally barred from holding office, Mr. Stolypin declared he believes this election has the potential to be the first real election in the history of Arkheologorodok, and that his Society for an Free Society will be working to help get people to the polls while looking out for any abuses of the democratic process.  

In response, the Office of the Governor released the following statement;
"Arkheologorodok is a strong and proud city that has stood firm in the face of great trails and endured. It has welcomed many American citizens to work, study, and live in its noble buildings and has not suffered for it, so what difference will it make to let some CIA whore come visit to see how a real democracy functions?" 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Session 13 Prep


Good evening Arkheologorodok, this is Lara Kiseleva with Orbita News. Here is this weeks news round up.

The city is still reeling from the bombing of Gastev, Elektrichsky, Zhdanov, and Glory of Industry Stations during the morning rush hour last week. Officials from D.I. Dankovskii Hospital mark the death toll at 421, but many people are still unaccounted for. In a video release, a jihadist organization calling itself the Bektashi-Wahabist Union has taken credit for the attack, citing it as a retaliation for the Counter-Terrorism and Anti-Extremism Operation in Abattoir Town. Governor Yevseyev and Commissioner Nikitan have announced that the man referring to himself as the Mursid Shangdi is now public enemy #1 and that every effort will be bent to his capture and the destruction of the Bektashi-Wahabist Union. 

Governor Yevseyev personally reopened the metro at a ceremony at Zhdanov Station, thanking the NOVOST Group for its donation of several high-end metro trains and announced a new effort to modernize and upgrade all aspects of public transit in Arkheologorodok. Governor Yevseyev also announced an overhauled security force for the metro, introducing Amerhan Ramazanov of Premier Security Systems as the new acting head of Metro Security. 

Critics worry that this move heralds the privatization of the metro, citing that both the donated trains and the new security guards are both from companies held by the NOVOST Group. The head of the Committee for Transit wrote a scathing resignation letter and announced his departure from the incumbent Refurbishment Party and his joining of the new Faith & Works Party. Although non official statement has been released by the City Militsiya, Commissioner Nikitan was notably not present at the re-opening ceremony.  

A special midnight mass was held by the Metropolitan Grigori the First at the Cathedral of the Holy Transfiguration on Sunday, where he made a joint statement with Rebbe Isiah Katzmann, Mullah Hamzat Kadyrhov, and Khenpo Lobsang about creating a "bulwark of faith against those that would despoil it in the name of violence" before announcing a coordinated relief fund organized through th Saburov Faith Foundation. Details on how to apply for aide can be found on the Saburov Faith Foundation's website or at participating churches, mosques, temples, or Arkheologorodok's only Synagogue.  

In other news, world famous Canadian benzodiazepine addict and transphobe Dr Peter Jordanson has arrived in Arkheologorodok by invitation of Governor Yevseyev to receive cutting edge treatment for his condition. The Governor personally welcomed Dr. Jordanson at the Central Train Station, praising him as one of the world's leading intellects. Although medical tourism has been a consistent presence in Arkheologorodok for years, this will be the most high profile case, with the city's medical community hoping to see an increase in foreign patients in the coming years. 

Finally, the weekend forecast indicates a continuation of the recent heatwave into the middle of next week. The City Utilities warn of increased stress on the city's electrical grid, and would like to remind citizens that breaking open fire-hydrants is illegal. The NOVOST Group has set up several cooling stations and the city government are offering vouchers to citizens to buy air conditioning units at reduced prices. To apply, go online to HotWar.ark

And that was this week's news round up, brought to you George Carlin's Hard R History Podcast. For Orbita News, this is Lara Kiseleva, reminding you to stay strong, Arkheologorodok Strong.