Sunday, January 24, 2021

Session 14 Prep


Good evening Arkheologorodok! This is Lara Kiseleva of Orbita News bring you this weeks news round up! Let's get to it!

Crowds flocked to the Central Train station today to greet the lawyer and human rights and anti-corruption activist Felix Stolypin as he returned from his four year exile. Before his departure, Mr. Stolypin was known for several landmark lawsuits against the Refurbishment Party and Governor Yevseyev himself, a track record which had landed him in prison several times for  "breach of trust" and "unethical use of evidence." Though his permit of residency was revoked for divisive sociocidal counterobeyance, Mr. Stolypin cited his reason for leaving as being due to death threats and harassment by the Gubernatorial Security Service. 

Addressing the crowd, Stolypin declared he's returned to observe the upcoming election. Though he's legally barred from holding office, Mr. Stolypin declared he believes this election has the potential to be the first real election in the history of Arkheologorodok, and that his Society for an Free Society will be working to help get people to the polls while looking out for any abuses of the democratic process.  

In response, the Office of the Governor released the following statement;
"Arkheologorodok is a strong and proud city that has stood firm in the face of great trails and endured. It has welcomed many American citizens to work, study, and live in its noble buildings and has not suffered for it, so what difference will it make to let some CIA whore come visit to see how a real democracy functions?" 

A series of minor tremors over the weekend have the residents south of the G'am River feeling shaken. Thankfully damage was minor with a few broken windows and burst water mains.  Several blocks are still experiencing intermittent water disconnections and there have been a few nasty sewage backups. City Utilities has deployed several crews to the area and expect the issue to be resolved by Saturday. Until then, all Vos'moy convenience stores are offering half off on all bottled water products. 

Authorities announced the temporary closure of a stretch of South Lunacharsky Street and the evacuation of residences and businesses located as a part of a routine bomb disposal drill. Commissioner Nikitan says residents can expect the exercise to conclude by tomorrow, thanking them for their understanding and reiterating that, in light of the metro station tragedy, it is paramount that our Militsiya train under realistic conditions so they may be ready to respond to any future emergency. It's a real shame, though, because that means the Endorphin Lounge on South Lunacharsky Street is closed on a Friday night! Unfortunately, this reporter is just going to have to find somewhere else to go tonight. 

In more humorous news, residents of the Professionals District have reported sighting a trench coated man on the rooves of various apartments every morning for the last week, waving his arms at the rising sun. This silly sun worshipper has yet to be identified, but one pensioner reports having run into him as she emerged from her rooftop pigeon coop. She described him as shy, saying "the poor fellow must have been very embarrassed, he turned beet red when he saw me, literally!"  I and my colleagues over here at Orbita News would like to tell this mystery man that there's nothing to be embarrassed about, and we'd all be more than happy to have you on air to tell us all about your morning ritual. I myself spend every Sunday getting a tan on my rooftop, maybe we can exchange tips!

Monday will mark the first day of the of the four weeks of sanctioned campaigning for legislative and gubernatorial elections. Although election laws prevent the announcement of candidates ahead of the official start of campaigning, it is expected that the Refurbishment Party will once again be nominating Roman Ivanovich Yevseyev for Governor, while the Communist Party can be expected to once again nominate Party Secretary Ivan Ligachev. However, this election promises to be more than just a rerun of previous elections, as the newly registered Bright Future and Faith & Works parties being expected to run a full slate of well funded candidates as well as the New National Bolshevik Party of Eurasia announcing that they will field a candidate for Governor for the first time ever! The next four weeks are going to be loud and exciting, so be sure to tune into Orbita News for updates on the race!

That was this week's news round up, brought to you by Eisenstein Kinodrome, offering state of the art sound systems and new, full recline napping chairs for the ideal way to experience 6 hours of poetic cinema, all for only five dollars! Eisenstein Kinodrome, come tired leave refreshed! For Orbita News, this has been Lara Kiseleva, signing off.  

Off the Record

CounterDogma's latest prank got way out of hand. The militsiya worked hard to keep it out of the press, but yesterday they tried something over at the Bovine Hormone Clinic where the Dr Peter Jordanson was undergoing some sort of experimental treatment for his benzo addiction. It's not clear what happened, but apparently several people are dead and no one knows where Dr Peter Jordanson actually is. 

That's not a training exercise going down on South Lunacharsky. Someone is barricaded themselves inside Endorphin Lounge and the Militsiya are trying to siege it down without it being broadcast live on Orbita TV. 

This is weird, but apparently the Gay Nazis knocked over an abortion clinic and stole a bunch of medical waste. Probably the most nonsensical thing anyone remembers them doing. 

The Materialists and the Red Ordo are at each other's throats now. Sabira Orazeva, a Materialist technician was allegedly assaulted by the Red Ordo's champion, a meat-head by the name of Turlan Kuanyshbekov in an alley behind a bar. The Red Ordo is closing ranks, with several of them saying that they were smoking weed with Turlan in his apartment at the time. Things were at an impasse an altercation in the Underground turned into a shootout that left a shaman dead. The whole thing is a mess.  

The news from Gera is that some representatives from the Cosmos Project have been visiting the Thanotologists over in the Tombs. They've been sharing some notes about bodily resurrection, soul recovery, and technological immortality and are in talks about resurrecting old Krivkov and some long dead scientists. 

Krasnaya Zvezda managed to convince Dr Chernykov to flip and they're now occupying VARANIL. Iskra and Barrikad, the two Homo Sovieticus, may have managed to convince Dr Chernykov of their mission, but the four human members of the Psychometric Agronomy Study Group aren't happy about this. One of them, Lizavieta, managed to sneak out. Apparently their experiments were more than just about getting fucked up and they've actually managed to develop some psychic powers, one of which is telepathy. She's still in contact with the other three still in VARANIL and wants to work to liberate their home.  


Comrade Cowboy over in the Hangar is looking to upgrade his ammunition production. He's offering 20% of the ammo produced by any silver or gold someone brings him some he can smelt down. He also seems convinced that somewhere in the "Wizard Lab" (the emerging nickname for the Conjuration and Thaumaturgical Research Laboratory) are either the instructions or equipment for the manufacture of  Named Bullets that he'll pay $2000 for. 

"It's Vernisa, listen, I got an urgent job for you that I can't talk about over the phone. Meet me at the stockyards, green box car. There's $6,000 in it for you."

"Spartak! My man! It's Abram, sorry I didn't check in with you after the attacks, I took a heroic dose with this cutie a day before and I only just came down yesterday. I don't know who your mycologist is, but they're a genius! Anyway, things with the Excavators have been tight. Gennady, Artyom, Aarno, and Tatianna were able to find Polis Station thanks to your tip about that Wizard Lab! Those Materialist squares kept them from seeing too much of it, but Gennady was pretty happy about it and that's why he asked me to tell you about our next big project. From what we can guess, only half of that Thaumatwhatever lab is accessible because the nerve gas, but this Chinese guy Lu and some of his buddies think they might have figured out a way to deal with it. We're still planning out the expedition, but stop by the library to check it out. Catch you later, my dude!"

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