Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Session 15 Prep


Good evening Arkheologorodok! It's time for democracy, as the three weeks of legal campaigning for city wide elections start today! We have a lot more candidates than usual, and it can be pretty confusing to know who to vote for. Well, I'm pleased to say that we here at Orbita News are going to help!

I'm voting for the first time!

So first on the roster is our very own dear Governor, Roman Ivanovich Yevseyev of the Refurbishment Party. He's been our Governor since the dissolution of the old union, and he helped see us through the turbulent 90s to our current happy days. He stands on the dual platform of public security and prosperity. The best way to describe Governor Yevseyev and the Refurbishment Party's policy this; if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

Next we have a fresh new face for a fresh and new party, Inna Maximovna Illina of the Faith and Works Party. Illina and the party both support strong family values and believe that the public need to be protected from "degenerate lifestyles" and "harmful western attitudes," but also that they need to be protected from "poverty, poor health, and corporate banditry." As such, their platform promises expansion to pensions, welfare, and the public healthcare system, expanded protection for both majority and minority religious communities, and tougher scrutiny of outside business interests in Arkheologorodok as well as more stringent enforcement of the anti-sodomy laws, restriction on abortion, and initiatives to counter "public vices and obscenities."

Next up we have a slick technocrat, Radinka Pavlovna Menshchikova and her liberal Bright Future Party. Her promise is to make Arkheologorodok a true beacon of prosperity and to open it up to the wider world. The party's goal is growth and a stronger economy through increased privatization and fewer restrictions on foreign investment. Though often asked, she and her party have remained silent on the matter of the Anti-Sodomy Laws, likely hoping to avoid alienating older voters. 

Here we have an old face, reprising his decades old role as opposition candidate, Ivan Artemovich Ligachev of the old Communist Party. His platform hasn't changed since 1993, and he argues for expanded worker protections and limits on foreign investment. He also represents many of the unions here in town.

Last and maybe least, we have a very unique candidate for a very unique party. Ervin Tsitrusovyye of the New National Bolshevik Party of Eurasia. Notable for its adept youth mobilization, the policy or ideological platform of the NNBPE isn't exactly clear, but we can confirm that they have made a firm pledge to reverse the Anti-Sodomy Laws and to close the Office of Media Surveillance, the only party to do so. They certainly are a bit kookier than the others, but anything is possible in a system with more than two parties!

And those are the options for the big chair in the election! Remember, each of these parties are also running candidates in every district for the Chamber of Deputies, but that's way too much information for this news round-up! 

For Orbita News, this has been Lara Kiseleva, signing off!

Off the Record

So, good news; Little Azov is now free. Bad news, all those Gay Nazis just decided to occupy the Bone Zone instead. The Gopniks put up a good fight, but the Gay Nazis were better armed and in much bigger numbers than they anticipated. It looks like they little gay ahnenerbe equivalent has set up shop there, because they've started carrying on the dig with slave labor. 

Ossendowski says the residents at the apartment entrance are spooked, but less by the Gay Nazis and more by these rumors of bloated and deformed childlike things spotted in the shadows. It's not just limited to them, Oksana and some of the other Neo-Nazbols have reported similar sightings while scouting out Gay Nazi movements through the south-western sewer junction. She wasn't able to get a good look at them, but she said they were moving south towards the old landfill. 

Semenov, you would have expected Mayami Import to have stepped in by now, considering how adamant their boss, Entoni Dakota, was about you ceasing your digging operation. From what you hear from the Gopniks, they're gearing up to do that but they've been held up by problems closer to home. Something is wrong with all those spiders from the Parlor, they've been aggressively expanding into the rest of the Underground, with even a couple minor incursions into the Hanger. With this coming on the heels of one of the Mayami Import apparently getting VD from the arachnophile whores over there has got them preparing an extermination expedition into the Parlor before they deal with the Gay Nazis. As for the arachnophiles themselves, they're apparently all real sick with something.

So the Thanatologists have decided to cut their losses and have abandoned their old HQ of the tombs and are now officially a part of the Cosmos Project. They took what they and their undead slaves could carry and with the help of the Cosmists have set up shop in the Morgue. They're also really irresponsible resurrectionists because they just abandoned all those holy men they had been resurrecting to their fates, with several of them scattering throughout the Underground. The Red Ordo has since moved into the Tombs and are busy sanctifying it. They're not sure what to do with all these intelligent and very confused undead theologians. 

Speaking of the Red Ordo, they're in deep shit now. The Materialists have called in their ally Krasnaya Zvezda and are demanding the Red Ordo turn over their holy chainsaw wielding champion, Turlan Kuanyshbekov, over to them to face tribunal or they will take him by force. 

Apparently that exiled psychonaut Elizivieta has been going around trying to find a sponsor to "liberate her people who yearn for freedom" from the tyranny of the new order down in the VARANIL subterranean agricultural lab. 


Slava from Mayami Import is offering to pay $500 per person who joins in the raid on the Parlor. He ain't the one who got the clap, that was Oleg, but apparently he's really been egging everyone on to teach those arachnophiles a lesson in proper use of prophylactics.

Speaking of the Sisters, you've heard through the grapevine that they're desperate for a cure for what ails them, and that the good physician/witch doctor who can do so need only name their price. 

Now that the election is underway, the Neo-Nazbols are campaigning hard and are paying a $100 for every one of their posters placed on a government building  or public monument that manages to stay up for a day.   

This Red Ordo-Materialists feud has gotten way out of hand and everyone has been too filled with righteous anger to actually investigate the event that caused it. The story goes that Turlan, the Red Ordo's champion, assaulted a Materialist technician Sabira Orazeva outside a club in New Downtown. Thing is, a livestream puts Turlan on the otherside of town that night, but Sabira and club staff are also confirming it was definitely him what did it. The Materialists and Red Ordo destroying each other would end up leaving a lot of undefended complexes for looting, after all. 

Arman Tagaev, the High Shaman of the Red Ordo, still isn't sure what to do with all the intelligent undead the Thanatologists have abandoned, but they all agree they should at least get them all in one place until they decide. A bunch of them just wandered off after they go cut loose, and the Red Ordo offer $200 for each one returned. 

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