Thursday, August 26, 2021

Arkheologorodok Session Prep: Special Regime #1



This is Lara Kiseleva with Orbita News bringing you a special coverage of the ongoing crisis in Arkheologorodok. 

Word from medical authorities is that an outbreak of some unknown disease is ongoing in Arkheologorodok, with mask mandates and bans on public gatherings enacted shortly after the declaration. D.I. Dankovsky Central Hospital has enacted full quarantine procedures, with various clinics and sanatoriums now having to pick up the slack of healthcare. Governor Yevseyev immediately promoted the physician who apparently first discovered the outbreak, one Dr. Jurgen Galdikas, to the position of "Pandemic Plenipotentiary" and empowered him to suspend elections in order to deal with the outbreak. 

Reaction the suspension of elections has been very severe. Felix Stolypin of the Society for a Free Society made a vocal denouncement at a press conference, with his arrest occurring before he could even finish his remarks. This, coupled with all other party candidates calling for mass demonstrations in opposition to the government, has resulted in large clashes with Militsiya across the city. Government forces have largely been pushed out of the Old Downtown area, with protestors occupying the Stepnoy Universitet, but the Militsiya has been able to keep protesters far away from the Municipal Palace, the Chamber of Deputies, Militsiya Headquarters, and the Felix Dzerzhinsky Prison.  Smaller clashes have been occurring all over the southern side of the river, with large protests basing themselves around the Cathedral of the Holy Transfiguration  where Metropolitan Grigori has allowed Inna Illina of the Faith & Works Party to move her headquarters. 

Radinka Menschikova of the Bright Future Party is broadcasting press conferences daily from a suite in NOVOST Tower, with NOVOST chairman Dariy Belov personally declaring her under protection and his "unmitigated support for instituting a free and fair election in Arkheologorodok." Menschikova has made two appearances with Ervin Tsitrusovvye at the protests in and around the University, with the NNBPE aligning themselves with the Bright Future Party in opposition to the government. 

Shortages of nearly all goods are now being reported across the city as all rail and air traffic has been halted into and out of the city. Russian armed forces massing to the North have sealed off all traffic to and from Siberia, while Chinese forces to the South have cut off all access to Xinjiang. Kazakhstan and Mongolia have also closed their borders to all residents of Arkheologorodok. 

We're going to keep bringing you news about this crisis as it develops, if you can, please call in at 

*Loud banging in the background*

Uh folks, we seem to be having some minor technical difficulties 

*Loud shouts of "Militsiya" can be heard along with a man reading an order shutting down the station*

We're gonna take this opportunity to go to commercials, we'll be right back. This is Lara Kiseleva for Orbita News, wishing you all...GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME YOU FUCKING PIG!

Off the Record

So a lot has happened since your disappearance, namely the fact the Neo-Nazbols declared you "martyrs of the cause." The nature of that martyrdom has been as fluid as events, with Spartak being held up as a victim of the Militsiya after the nightclub got raided when the election was suspended. Most of Party managed to escape and have fully joined the protests. They spearheaded to occupation of the University and Party Leader Tsitrusovyye has apparently thrown in  with that NOVOST shill Menschikova in declaring the current government illegitimate. 

As for getting in touch with all your myriad associates, it's been a bit difficult, phonelines and wi-fi service across the city have been less than reliable. The Sisters at the Parlor have disappeared, and from what you've heard from the Red Ordo and the Materialists, it looks like there was some sort of struggle. 

The Red Ordo and the Materialists are real nervous about what's going on in Polis Station. Apparently dead are rising all over the Underground, and a few are getting up topside too. The two factions working together have managed to contain the plague pit in the south, but the one to the Northwest has gone unchecked. 

The Fae have passed on a message to you. Ratimir Shulyov, the oligarch who lives in the old orphanage on top of the Treaty Grotto and Deputy of Education with the Refurbishment Party, wants to have a meet in some hostel in the suburbs. Says he wants to strike a deal and has signed a pact that you will not be harmed by him or his men at this meeting. 

Something is up with the Saburovs, they've sent all the workers home and locked up the Abattoir tight, but judging from the sounds coming from inside it's still running at full tilt. 
    Zoram: You managed to get in touch with Carvel at the Temple, all that doomsday prep is paying off and the faithful are receiving succor there. Apparently Viktor Saburov really stepped in your absence and has been critical to the aid effort. He was a little cagey about the Abattoir when Carvel asked him, but he said that the family is calling all its members to be together right now, though he's chosen to remain with his responsibilities to the Mormon Church.

The Cosmothanatologists have gone off the fucking deep end, they figured out how to control the death train Chernobog and launched a full assault on Polis Station. Apparently the thing wasn't just a prisoner transport, it was fucking armored train too. The Materialists's defensed were absolutely steamrolled. The Committee fled with what they could carry to the Red Ordo's Kurgan and have re-established their link to the KGB Tower from there. The survivors either joined up with their leadership in the Kurgan, are holding out in "Atomik Lenin" or heeded Krasnaya Zvezda's call. Speaking of which....

Shortly after Polis Station fell, Krasnaya Zvezda gave out a "call to the barricades" and have sealed themselves inside the Array. People were already nervous when they saw that "call" included everyone bringing their families with them, but now that they've sealed themselves in, the Array seems to be powering up, and the readings up in the KGB Svetelka are causing concern. 

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