Thursday, July 29, 2021

Arkheologorodok: Session ??? Prep


Good evening Arkheologorodok! This is Lara Kiseleva of Orbita News bring you this weeks news round up! Let's get to it!

Now is the second week of campaigning and it's looking to be a tight race! Polls can't quite agree who is currently in the lead, but all agree it's either Governor Yevseyev's Refurbishment Party or Radinka Menshchikova's Bright Future Party. Both are riding high on recent crime suppression and economic initiatives respectively, more on both later.  

Coming in a close third is Inna Illina's Faith & Works Party, polling high with active Orthodox Christians as well as religious Central Asian workers. Promises for both expansion of city aide services as well as upholding public morality finding support across religious lines. Well, except for the atheists, but no one cares about them anyway.   

Ervin Tsitrusovyye's youth oriented New National Bolshevik Party of Eurasia is showing a better account for itself than expected, managing to very effectively mobilize the youth vote.  Whether or not this will be enough to carry them further into a position of influence isn't yet clear, but those kids are showing some real enthusiasm. It's good to see the youth getting off those phones and doing something for once!

Finally, Ivan Ligachev and the Communist Party are remaining at a very stable 5th place. Unionized skilled workers are proving to be solidly backing their man, a sizeable block that could put Ligachev in position of king maker, or maybe spoiler. 

Moving on, in a stunning turn of events, Governor Yevseyev held a press conference announcing the total success of Operation PLAGIARISM, a lighting raid on the Toporika Bratva. After a months long investigation, the militsiya have utterly smashed up the organization, with multiple arrests of the highest echelons of the organization. The press conference also served as an award ceremony for the lead investigator, Major Yuri Smirnov, who has now been promoted to Captain. In his acceptation speech, Captain Smirnov thanked Governor Yevseyev for his unwavering support for the militsiya in making the streets safer for everyone. 

Dariy Belov, billionaire head of the NOVOST Group's operations in Arkheologorodok, made an appearance alongside Radinka Menshchikova at a rally outside the defunct Institute for Experimental Aeronautics. To a cheering crowd, he announced the purchase of the site by NOVOST Group with the explicit intention of re-opening to old aircraft factory, with Menshchikova promising that the economic policies of her party would make sure that the IEA would not be the only industry re-opening in Arkheologorodok. 

In other news, Arkheologorodok is looking to be a Hollywood of the Steppes! Residents were surprised to hear the sounds of gunfire and to see women clad in black abseiling into the Jì Zhèn Imports warehouse near the railyards. In a press release from Jì Zhèn's rice president, Rick Mullen, it was announced that this was the first shoot of a new film meant for Chinese audiences. The scene involved the villains of the film, a group of terrorist hijabis, breaking out the main villain of the film from brave Chinese security forces. The actors were so good, that Mullen said one take was all that was needed! We await excitedly for more news about the Chinese remake of "A Time to Kill"  being filmed right here in Arkheologorodok!

Continuing with the trend of international interest, the Faith & Works Party have rented out the municipal theater to host a live broadcasting of important American Masha and Annie J's White Terror Podcast. According to a press release from the Faith & Works campaign staffer Vanya Saburov, the White Terror Podcast is a very respected and widely listened to political podcast by two highly educated New York intellectuals. How fun! 

In less fun news, the city metro is announcing temporary suspension of service past 7:00 pm for all lines for the foreseeable future. 

We at Orbita News would also like to remind residents to cover that cough! Officials at the D.I. Dankovksy Hospital are anticipating an earlier and more severe than usual cold season upon us, and would like to remind everyone to wash their hands and that surgical masks are reserved for medical personnel, as the average resident simply doesn't need them. 

Off the Record

The Sisters wanted you all to know that they're foreseeing violence ahead, particularly from a former  tenant of the Parlor, Boris. Apparently he's not only got a grudge, but is suffused with some power they cannot name. No, they literally can't name it because they can't identify it. Apparently we are approaching what they call a "fray zone" in the Weavers Web, in which the process of divination is proving more convoluted. 

So the union of Cosmists and Thanotologists has been made official, and they're now going by the Cosmothanatology Research Unit. They sure as hell got to announce it in style where an experiment to summon the Silent Train in Leninskaya Station ended up brining forth an old armored death train from the civil war called Chernobog. Now Leninskaya is choked with the vengeful spirits of reds left to starve to death in roving box cars and the train itself lurks the metro at night.  


The Neo-Nazbols and CounterDogma are utilizing some sophisticated culture jamming techniques to "mobilize the population" via music, art, and those psycho-reactive papers you got from the nth Directorate of the KGB. They're confident in their ability to mobilize the youth vote, but the Neo-Nazbols realize that cohort will not be enough to carry the day, so they've been working on some material to reach other demographics.  They've developed a short film to appeal to older populations, but the matter of distribution is an issue, one which a signal hack of Orbita TV would remedy. 

The Bright Future Party's main tactic has been to throw money around, that money is of course coming from the NOVOST Group and being routed through their bank, Chistoye Nebo Finance. If something were to go wrong there, be it a stick up, a cyber attack, or even the leak of incriminating information, it would seriously inhibit Bright Future's campaign. This is something the Saburovs or even the Refurbishment Party would be interested in.

The Governor has brought in a "team" of specialists to find Dr. Peter Jordanson, as his absence from the public eye is becoming an embarrassment, both domestically and internationally.  


Arman Tagaev, the High Shaman of the Red Ordo, still isn't sure what to do with all the intelligent undead the Thanatologists have abandoned, but they all agree they should at least get them all in one place until they decide. A bunch of them just wandered off after they go cut loose, and the Red Ordo offer $200 for each one returned. 

The Neo-Nazbols have developed a short film to advance their cause among older demographics, but need a means of reaching a wide audience. They're considering attempting a signal hack of Orbita TV, but are open to other options. 

Speaking of, the Saburovs managed to get the hosts of the White Terror podcast to fly in from Brooklyn to do a show in support of the Faith & Works Party. This could eat into the Neo-Nazbols youth demographic as well as the more cosmopolitan white collar workers of the city. A disruption could remedy that. 

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