Sunday, October 11, 2020

Session 6 Prep



News & Rumors

Good evening and a happy Ramon Mercader Day, Arkheologorodok! This is Lara Kiseleva broadcasting live from the Orbita News building, bringing you this week’s news round-up.

This afternoon's parade was a smash hit as usual, with a massive turnout. Governor Yevseyev marked the start of the parade with the ceremonial breaking of the Trotsky piñata with an oversized ice axe. His first attempt at a swing resulted in him falling backwards, to great laughter, but after being picked up by his guards and in good cheer, the Governor landed a mighty blow and candies were distributed among the children. 

The start of the parade also marked one of the few public appearances of both Dariy Belov and Vladimir Saburov, with the two looking notably icy towards one another. Rumors have it that they both sought to outdo one another in terms of funding Ramon Mercader Day celebrations. We can't say which of them lost, but we can say with great certainty that the citizens of Arkheologorodok won! 

In a rare joint statement, Metropolitan Grigori and Commissioner Nikitan are urging residents and citizens to exert some self control tonight and warned against the moral hazards of excessive drinking. 

And that was this week's news-roundup, brought to you by a charitable donation from the Railwayman's Union, reminding you that they keep the trains running on time. For Orbita News, this is Lara Kiseleva, signing off. 

Character Interactions & Interests:

Dr. Galidikas: The Sanitorium Administrator made a strange comment to you today, he said that Samarkand Meat Market the best kebabs in town, said you should stop by there soon.

Pierre has prepared a full report on his findings with the lambent water sample from the Silo, he seems quite excited about it. The dossier on Subject #86 has also made for interesting reading. 

Spartak: Party members have been very supportive over the week, Oksana has been babying you and this weeks edition of Nastuplenie! has Party Order 1099 at the top: Do not ask Comrade Spartak about the thing. 

Semenov: The dig is going slowly, but at the very least the area around the exposed spinal column is now looking like a proper dig site. You're main focus has been trying to find a means to break the curse on Spartak. You have a couple leads there, there are rumors of an old women living near the Gunig Marsh called Nochnaya Babushka, and there is supposedly network of shamans amongst the workers of the Abattoir. 

You have still yet to decode the teen hedge wizards grimoire you recovered from the abandoned school. 

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