Sunday, October 25, 2020

Arkheologorodok in Focus: This Man is Your Friend, He Fights For...uhhhhh

The Neo-Nazbols 

Ask 3 Neo-Nazbols what the Party stands for, and you'll get 15 different answers depending on the time of night and what drugs they're on. What it generally boils down to is three things; a disdain for the mundane, a love for iconoclasm, and a yearning for expressive freedom. Though that's a little airy, isn't it? So to be more concrete, it's about partying hard, looking good, and doing magic. They are structured on the Occultist Cabal as listed on page 175 of the Esoteric Enterprises rulebook, after all.

So who are the Neo-Nazbols? Well, they're a splinter of a very real Russian political party turned brain nuked internet meme. It hasn't really been relevant on the political scene since the mid 2000s. It was based around a triumvirate of individuals, poet and founder Eduard Limonov, philosopher and nutjob Aleksandr Dugin, and dissident punk rocker Egor Letov. This should give you some sort of idea of the wackiness that was afoot. I'd recommend watching the video bellow to learn more of its history, it's short and fascinating.

You get all that? Good. Now let's get to the story of party founder and leader of the New National Bolshevik Party of Eurasia, Ervin Tsitrusovyye. Ervin was on the ground floor of the NBP, joining while at University in 1996 and was a real one of the hardcore, being a part of every direct action possible and eventually being sentenced to six years in prison in 2007. Upon being released, he's greeted to find out that Eduard Liminov, leader of the party that his did six years in prison for, the leader of a party he was beaten for, leader of the party friends of his were murdered for, has decided to become a 3rd rate ideologue for Putin. 

Disgusted by this betrayal, and having developed his magical talents in prison, Tsitrusovyye sets out for a new land beyond the reach of the state, full of possibility and promises of magical knowledge. An unrecognized Central Asian city-state called Arkheologorodok.   

The Neo-Nazbol Party has a respectable following for a minor party, though it's better described as a "youth movement" and has about 36 core members and numerous hanger ons. Just south of the New Downtown and across the Old All-Union Highway from the suburbs is the party's shining jewel, its underground club the Shkola Granat (literally the Grenade School), a huge brutalist style warehouse space shaped from the living stone under an abandoned school by the parties four Cthonists. The Shkola Granat is the hottest club in the entire city and manages to be packed every weekend. Anybody who is anybody when it comes to music in Arkheologorodok has been to, DJed for, or played at the Shkola. 

Part goers first have to make their way through the ruined old school. There are no signs telling people where to go, but it isn't hard to find your way to the basement, and from there to the newly made staircase going down, though they first must pay cover to the two Toporika Bratva toughs in the basement. They're not the only Bratva working the club, with two more guarding a passageway from the club into the Underground, and another two topside keeping an eye out on who goes in and texting the other four. The Bratva makes a nice sum working protection at the club.

Past the private booths for VIPs drinking at the bar is a plain little door with a sign saying "Party Members Only." Pushing past the door you'll be greeted by a lounge full of bean bag chairs, water pipes, a flat screen tv playing some New Wave movie, and plenty of places to do drugs. This is the entrance to the Party HQ, made in much the same way as club, this base of operations houses a printing press, its own generator, its own server rooms mining crypto and hosting their encrypted communications network SMERSHnet, a library housing their grimoires, an occult workshops, a small recording studio, an experimental casting room, a kitchen and dining hall, and a small barracks to crash in (several party members make the HQ their primary home).  The library is also home to an enchanted painting, which serves as one of the few entrances to CounterDogma's hidden gallery. They share a few members. 

Taking the Spiral Staircase down from the club 
will take you the atrium of the Party HQ

The NNBPE sometimes will do mass actions with the pro-LGBTQ Rights art collective CoutnerDogma, and can gather together a respectable amount of flag waving kids for a decent protest, though most of its political action is in the form of its weekly paper Nastuplenie! (Advance!), which is full of editorials of every stripe, the most recent Party Orders, reviews, political cartoons mocking Governer Yevseyev and the Militsiya, updates on political prisoners, lists of people arrested after protests, and lists of what bands or DJs are playing this week. Nastuplenie! is printed at the HQ but can be found all over Arkheologorodok for free. 

So what are some advantages of being friendly with the Neo-Nazbols? Well they have at least one of every Occult Weirdo from Underground Librarian to Vivimancer, and have a Puissant Sorcerer as their Party Leader. They've got a decent occult library and access to a few enchanted items, and a space to experiment with them. You also get access to their encrypted communication app SMERSHnet, which is a good way to dodge police surveillance. Party members also the right to crash at the HQ whenever, and a lot do. The NNBPE also has a finger on the pulse of the youth and the bohemian set of Arkheologorodok, though being associated with them isn't exactly considered respectable. Also, they through killer parties.

Notable Members

Ervin Tsitrusovyye, Party Leader and Wizard

Petra Borodina, Commissar of Communications/Ervin's Lover 

The most technically adept of the Neo-Nazbols, Petra oversees the upkeep of the party's servers and is the chief architect of the party's own encrypted messaging app SMERSHnet. 

Lev Anitolavich Grossman, Coked Out Cthonicist 

The de facto head of the practitioners of the Cthonic Arts among the Neo-Nazbols, Lev was the chief architect of the effort to carve out the club and HQ out of the living stone beneath the abandoned school south of New Downtown. Among the most adventurous of the occult cabal, Lev enjoys delving into the deepest parts of the Underground to commune with the Cthonic energies and to pontificate on his ever evolving philosophy of the world, a topic of which he is overjoyed to share with any captive audience he can find.

Oksana Mutsuovna Sinodzuka, Chief Arachnophile

 A former Sister of Tleechy Natcha, Oksana tired of the old game of ensnaring men to kill and eat in their brothel and recording of the prophecies of the Weaver of Fates. Taking a copy of the Librum Arachnis with her, she's linked up with the much more active (though equally aimless) New National Bolshevik Party of Eurasia where she had trained several others in the magics of Tleechy Natcha. 

German (Gera) Kirillovich Ubeysobakin,  Necromancer Nazbol Spy

Probably the least often seen inner party member at the HQ, Gera serves the party by infiltrating and suborning the self-important mercenary scholars of death, the Thanotologists 

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