Monday, September 28, 2020

Session 5 Prep

 News & Rumors 

Good evening Arkheologorodok! This is Lara Kiseleva broadcasting live from the Orbita News building, bringing you this week’s news round-up.

The top story of this week is the surprise defeat of Governor Yevseyev and the Refurbishment Party's New Media Law in the Assembly of Deputies. The law, described by Yevseyev as a vital means of protecting public order from "disruptive and extremist elements' was publicly denounced by the chess grandmaster Georgi Shuripov as "a crushing of one of the few things we managed to gain since dissolution that serves only to shackle vision and inquiry to  the whims of sightless fat men in overstuffed leather chairs." This marks the beloved grandmaster's first public appearance since going into hiding 14 years ago. The office of the Governor has declined to comment.  

In preparation for the Ramon Mercader Day celebrations next week, Commissioner Nikitan has announced a rigorous restoration campaign for public order and cleanliness. The Militsiya ask all citizens to help make the streets neat and tidy, and to refrain from any acts of public disorder. Citizens can expect to see plenty of work crews around the city for the next week, painting over any public defacements. 

We've gotten some great pictures and theories about the mysterious clown, and we're pleased to announce that Yakov Dmietriev of the Gunig Prigorod as our winner. Be sure to check out his theories and pictures on our website. We've also heard that Silent Train has started to appear again, so be sure to have your phones ready for a picture when you're on the metro! 

And that was this weeks news round up, brought to you by Steppak Meats, feeding families for twenty years. For Orbita News, this is Lara Kiseleva, singing off. 

 Character Interests: 

The pigs aren't just chasing bums off the street and painting over graffiti, they're smashing up and clearing away any unauthorized structures, shrines included, Aleksandr. 

In all the hustle of setting up a homeless shelter, readying the parts for Spartak's experimental augmentation, and your day to day surgeries at the Sanitorium, you've only just now remembered the pale blue lambency of the water you recovered from the Silo, Dr. Galidikas

Lev and Oksana have been asking you about those shrooms got a while back, Spartak. They think they could make a good chunk of dough selling another batch if you can get it. 

You don't think you ever been so busy in your life, Professor Semenov, and you love it. You haven't even had time to sit down and watch that video tape you found. 

You've been practicing with that porcelain katana all week, Gavril, and you can't wait to try it out on something...or someone.

Jobs and Leads:

Slava has $200 on the table for installing a surveillance device in the southern part of the "Complex," he says be sure not to go too far South, or you'll end up in the basement of the Banya. 

Abram says the expedition to the new passages to the southwest of the complex hasn't returned, that includes Gennadiy and Artyom. The club treasurer, Tatiana Zhutova, is pulling out emergency funds for a rescue mission. 

Mara is trying to get an expedition to the old Church Crypt together. She's promising $100 to anyone who can get her there, plus looting rights. She's also mentioned she's willing to negotiate "services for services."

Those of you who gave your real names and contact info to those strange men answering to "uncle" get a message saying to go to Samarkand Meat Market in the southeast of the city just before closing and to ask for "Vernisa."

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