News & Rumors
Good evening Arkheologorodok! This is Lara Kiseleva with
Orbita News, bringing you this week’s news round-up.
The top story this week is the grenade attack at the abattoir.
Witnesses describe a black sedan pulling up to the southern loading dock and
tossing two grenades before speeding off. According to officials at the D.I.
Dankovskii Hospital, two workers were killed in the blast, with seven others injured.
Two workers are currently in critical condition. The Militsiya request that
anyone with any information to come forward. Steppak Meats was unable to be
reached for comment.
Sightings of a clown in the metro tunnels are making waves
online, prompting mass speculation among citizens. Commissioner Nikitan has dismissed
such sightings as “baseless hysteria.”
Dry weather is expected to continue after the unexpected
rainstorms of last month, with a dry easterly wind bringing elevated pollen
levels from across the Steppe.
A new media law is being debated in the city council, with
Mayor Yevseyev noting the necessity to curtail what he described as “a flood of
extremist propaganda.” Though he has not named them as such, it is believed he
is referring to the controversial Nastuplenie! newspaper published by the New
National Bolshevik Party of Eurasia and the increase of pamphlets circulated by
the outlawed LGBTQ rights organization CounterDogma. Both groups have been vocal
in their criticism of the renewal of anti-sodomy laws.
This week’s news round-up was brought to you by VostockCom,
bringing crystal clear internet and cellphone connection to the Steppe. For
Orbita News, this is Lara Kiseleva, signing off.
Work & Leads
Slava says to come see him in the Hangar, says there
could be a $1000 in it for ya.
Speaking of the Hangar, apparently Arkheologorodok’s
great Chef Mosolov has a side project there. Says he’s got a bounty on a specific
Mara texted you, Aleksandr. Apparently, that friend of
hers that managed to get into the old church crypt died in hospital. She says there’s
something you need to see at the mortuary.
Did you meet Ollie? He's this graffiti artist from London that hangs around the Excavators. Apparently he's getting harassed by a couple of gopniks real bad. Says he'll pay $250 to anyone who'll get them to stop.
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