Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Relations with Factions and Individuals After Session 8

What Others Think of You (As Far As You Know)

Friendship for Peace and Progress, 1961

  • The Gay Nazis consider you Der Feind, don’t expect mercy

  • The buyers you ambushed in the Archaeology Lab are probably none too pleased that you crushed Professor Krikov’s skull and stole their shit, whoever they are

  • Bozo is a little less than enthused with you

  • Spartak is much loved in the New National Bolshevik Party, you can consider them allies

  • Saving the founder and president of the Excavators goes a long way, consider them friends

  • Slava speaks well of you in Mayami Import, consider them friendly 

  • Vernisa was pretty pleased with your work, consider the Saburovs as amicable

  • Dr Orlova and her staff at the Polyclinic look forward to future joint ventures, consider them allies

  • The Psychometric Agronomy Study Group at VARANIL are pleased with the current arrangement

  • Oksana’s ex-boyfriend Boris probably isn’t happy you burgled his nest

  • The artists and activists of CounterDogma would be willing to work with you again

  • The Toporika Bratva are happy to take their cut out of your hustles 

  • The detente with the Gopniks holds firm

  • You haven’t left much of an impression on the revolutionaries of the Krasnaya Zvezdna 

  • Major Smirnov is easing the militsiya pressure on you lot

  • Abram, the Israeli hippie, is a friend of Spartak

  • You haven't encountered the Thanatologists directly, but you have know NeoNazbol spy named Gera has infiltrated them

  • The Sisters of Tleechy Natcha don't leave the Parlor very often, so they have no quarrel with you
NPCs and Factions are in bold
Locations are underlined
Dispositions are in italics 
Some of these may be combined

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Session 8 Prep


 News & Rumors 

Good evening Arkheologorodok! This is Lara Kiseleva broadcasting live from the Orbita News building on beautiful Elektricheskiy Prospekt, bringing you this week’s news round-up.

The top story of the week is the ongoing crackdown in Abattoir Town. The missing man has been identified as Boris Tarasov, a homeopathic doctor. Mr Tarasov is believed to be held in an apartment building on Sarnath Circle. The OMON has deployed in full force around the building and have been sieging it for a full day now. The general raids going on throughout Abattoir Town are continuing during the siege, and Commissioner Nikitan has declared that the militsiya are doing a clean sweep of the area, having arrested upwards to 100 terrorist suspects and seizing several weapons caches. There have been at least 5 different fire fights over the course of the crackdown. 

A massive funeral procession for the burial of Ludomir Malankhov, better known on the street as Numitist, so named for the role he played as the Derzhatel Obshack  for a group of local entrepreneurs. The procession made its way from the Cathedral of the Holy Transfiguration, where Metropolitan Grigori himself presided over the rites, to his notable cenotaph at the Southern Steppe Burial Ground. The cause of death has not been made known to the public, but it was known to have occured in the Koba Bath House in the river district of Old Downtown. The death was likely an accident, but if it wasn’t *sound of shuffling papers and voices in the background*  whoever did it ought to kill themselves while they still can before vengeance catches up to them.

Residents hoping to retreat from the sense of fear in the streets to the calm greenery of Zhdanov Park are sadly out of luck, as the Ministry of Outdoor Recreation have closed Zhdanov Park in Conjunction with the Ministry of Transit’s decision to close several large roads around the park.

And that was this week’s news round-up, brought to you by Tachanka brand Tushonka, a hearty meal of beef, pork, and now ostrich, all in a single can! You can’t beat the downhome taste of the steppe packed into each can of Tachanka brand Tushonka, by Steppak Meats. For Orbita News, this is Lara Kiseleva. Stay safe out there, Arkheologorodok. 

Off the Record:

The news ain't covering it, but the Gay Nazis have taken over the Little Azov neighborhood, just north of the marsh. They getting real handsy with people too, setting up inspection checkpoints, looking for any deformities or whatever. The cops have completely surrendered the neighborhood to them at this point, might as well be another country. 

Spartak: Comrade Party Leader Ervin Tsitrusovyye and the Commissar of Communications Petra Borodina have told you that they plan to introduce Comrade Gera, a party member who has infiltrated a group of obscurantist reactionaries calling themselves the Thanatologists. Comrade Tsitrusovyye has impressed upon you that Gera's mission is of great importance, and that you should assist him in whatever way you can.

You've mentioned meeting some members of Krasnaya Zvezdna, and your various party comrades have decried them as little more than cultists.

The Arachnophile Oksana has been perhaps the most supportive of all your party comrades, and she happily promoting your new means of capital accumulation on her instagram.

Aleksandr: You've almost finished setting up the first Mexican restaurant on the Steppe, you've worked out what percentage the Bratva take and they've helped you get the city approval. You've been able to get Mara to delay the expedition a week because you're in serious talks with Ornithologist over ending her "contract."

You're happy to be busy with this right now, the Bratva are on the warpath after one of the top Brigadiers got beheaded in the Banya last week. They're not letting on about who they think it is, but whoever it is, they must be in the Underground, because that's where most of the war parties are going.

You still feel eyes on you, but no one seems to be making a move.


Vernisa is offering $2,000 for a recovery job down in the Underground. She tells you to call her on a landline to set up a meet.

Commissar Petra Borodina says she has a way to hit the Gay Nazis that can be profitable to both the Party and to you and your friends

Chef Mosolov has announced a $300 reward to anyone who can bag him Vodyanoy. He's planning to make frog legs.